Accessing available software /
Contact information for 3rd party support

Categories (6)

Install Software

Free software available to current students and employees

Third Party Information

CSCC does not provide support for third party software. Here you can find support contact information for:
Aleks / McGraw-Hill / Peachtree / SNAP / Starfish / etc

Browser Support

Browser support and settings

Hyland OnBase

Uploading and Indexing Documents in OnBase - for further questions or support contact the ITSC at 614-287-5050

Articles (4)

Lab Software Request - Information

Information on requesting software for labs: Deadlines, How to put in a request, and Resources

Accessing iPhone images on a Windows PC

Open HEIC and HEIF files on a Windows computer and convert them to JPEG or PDF

Connect a Huion Tablet to your Computer

How to set up a connection from your computer to a Huion Tablet


CirricUNET support person