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Use Columbus State's password change website to discover your login name and/or reset your password.
Follow the steps in this checklist to successfully teach your HyFlex class. A HyFlex class can have both in-person and remote participants simultaneously.
Access email in a browser using the Outlook Web App
Answers to common questions about using the HyFlex classroom technology, along with tips for Faculty using Zoom for HyFlex instruction.
Information on requesting software for labs: Deadlines, How to put in a request, and Resources
Overview of HyFlex (hybrid-flexible) classrooms that allow courses to be delivered in-person and online simultaneously by the same Faculty member
Review these resources to learn how to teach your in-person course in a HyFlex classroom.
Use a second device to manage chat, view participants, or share content from another device
How to check/clean up accounts for Office and Windows and correct licensing issues
Knowledge base for faculty course creation in Blackboard
Learn about using the Faculty section of Self-Service for grade entry, accessing class rosters, and schedules
Online support information or open a case
Guide for using the A/V equipment in the Mitchell Hall Kitchen
What to do if you want to show something with the document camera, but the image isn't showing on the projector
Is the image is showing on the computer monitor, but not projected on the projector screen? Duplicate display to fix the issue