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Use a second device to manage chat, view participants, or share content from another device
Information Technology trainings for employees
Keep up with the latest updates in Microsoft Teams
How to share you device's screen to the conference room display
A comparison chart of different features available in video conferencing tools
Learn how to adjust audio settings to fix common problems in Teams meetings
How to check for updates in Microsoft Teams
Teams needs permission to screenshare on Mac
How to screen share, show a Powerpoint, or other content in Teams video meetings
How to access meeting recordings that are saved to OneDrive or Sharepoint
Meeting organizers can create virtual breakout rooms so students can work within their smaller groups on a discussion or assignment, then easily be called back to the larger group
How to create meetings in Teams and send invites even to users outside of CSCC employees
Join a Teams meeting as a guest - no Columbus State login required
Join a Teams meeting from any device - using Columbus State login
Learn where files you share in Teams are being stored