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How to change your Columbus State password if you have forgotten it or need to update it.
How to use Smiota smart lockers to pickup CSCC IT equipment
Overview of HyFlex (hybrid-flexible) classrooms that allow courses to be delivered in-person and online simultaneously by the same Faculty member
Instructions for using the document camera in a HyFlex classroom and sharing the content with remote or in-person participants
Using the HyFlex control panel to control the room's A/V equipment including the camera and microphone.
Answers to common questions about using the HyFlex classroom technology, along with tips for Faculty using Zoom for HyFlex instruction.
Review these resources to learn how to teach your in-person course in a HyFlex classroom.
Follow the steps in this checklist to successfully teach your HyFlex class.
To help you get started as a new student at Columbus State
Understanding Blackboard test information and format
Videos to help with the basics of using XP8 phones from Sonim University
Learn about Blackboard Base Navigation
To help you get started as a new employee at Columbus State
Learn how to submit an assignment, avoid plagiarism, supported file types, and more
Access email in a browser using the Outlook Web App