Blackboard: Tips for Attaching a Document to a Submission

Save the document on your computer

Save the document to your computer in a place where you can find it to upload it to Blackboard. For details on saving different types of documents to your computer, click the document type below:

Upload the document to Blackboard

Once you have the document saved locally on your computer, follow these steps to upload:

  1. Go to the assignment submission in Blackboard
  2. Click on Browse Local Files
    the submission section of Blackboard with the "Upload Files" area highlighted and an arrow pointing to "Browse Local Files" button
  3. Locate your file and attach it. You will then see an Attached Files section with your document listed.
    "Attached files" area highlighted showing a files is attached, and it can be renamed in the text box; there is an arrow pointing to submit
    • You can rename the Link Title if desired, or click Do not attach to remove the attachment and try again.
    • You can also add comments in the section below.
  4. When your document shows properly, click Submit.

Confirm upload success

Once you have uploaded, you will see a bar at the top of the screen confirming the upload was successful, and if you wait a minute, Blackboard will display a preview of documents when they are in .docx or .pdf format.

Review submission history page showing the document has been uploaded and can be previewed

Upload error?

If you successfully upload a file, and then realize it's the wrong one, you can't remove it. Instead, you'll need to contract the instructor so they can give you another attempt to upload the correct file. If it's near the deadline, it's recommended to attach the assignment in the email to your instructor, so they can see you have it completed before the deadline.

If you are having issues uploading a file, try using a different browser (such as Firefox or Chrome). If it still doesn't work, contact IT Support.

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To learn more about using the IT Help Homepage, see the article on Remote and In-Person Support.

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Article ID: 454
Tue 11/10/20 11:37 AM
Tue 2/6/24 11:58 AM

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