Who is this for?
This article is recommended for external participants and future students joining a Teams meeting.
If you are a current Columbus State student or employee, please see the related article: Join a Teams Meeting
Check out this video overview or follow the detailed written instructions below.
1) Access the meeting link
All you need to join a Teams meeting is the meeting link. Sometimes you will find it in a confirmation email or posted on an event website.
Other times you might receive an email invitation directly from the organizer asking if you can attend. The invitation will include the meeting link and dial-in information if applicable. If you choose Accept or Yes, the event will be added to your calendar in Outlook.

2) Join the Meeting
For the best experience, Microsoft recommends you join from a computer and download the Teams app when prompted. If you cannot install Teams or you are using a Chromebook, you can access the meeting in your browser. Google Chrome is recommended, especially if you need to share your screen. A mobile app is also available for convenience.
For more details about each method of joining and the meeting controls, click the related topic below:
Join in the Teams app on your Computer
The Teams desktop app is recommended for the best meeting experience; however, if you cannot download the app at this time or if you are using a Chromebook, join in your browser using the directions in the related section below.
- After you click the provided meeting link, download (A) or open (B)the Teams app.
Option A) Need to to download the Teams app?
Click Cancel if you see the Open Microsoft Teams pop-up. Then select Download the app. Click on the setup file and follow the prompts to complete the installation. Your meeting will automatically open. Next time, you can join the meeting using Option B below.
Option B) Already have the Teams app on your computer?
Click Open Microsoft Teams if you see the Open Microsoft Teams pop-up or click Open your Teams app at the bottom to access the meeting.

- Teams may prompt you to sign in. Keep in mind, if you are a new or returning student, you will not be able to sign in to Teams using your Columbus State email address until the semester begins.
- If requested, allow Teams to access your microphone and camera.
- Enter your name. Choose whether to start with Video and Mic On or Off (you can toggle this later), then click Join Now.
Please note: If you can see a preview of your camera on this screen, your video is on and will be visible to attendees upon entry.

- If you have to wait your turn in the meeting lobby, you may see a screen notifying you that someone will let you in soon.
Within the meeting, you will see the meeting controls in the top-right corner.
When your audio and video are off, the icon has a line through it. 
Join in a Browser on your Computer
If you need to join using a browser, please be aware that you must use a supported browser. As of 2/3/2021, Google Chrome is recommended as the best option, especially if you need to share your screen or you are using a Chromebook. For more information about supported/unsupported browsers and their limitations, see Microsoft's support article: Join a Teams meeting on an unsupported browser.
- After you click the provided meeting link, click Cancel if you see the Open Microsoft Teams pop-up. Then, click Continue on this browser.

- Teams may prompt you to sign in. Keep in mind, if you are a new or returning student, you will not be able to sign in to Teams using your Columbus State email address until the semester begins.
- If requested, allow access to your microphone and camera.
- Enter your name. Choose whether to start with Video and Mic On or Off (you can toggle this later), then click Join Now.
Please note: If you can see a preview of your camera on this screen, your video is on and will be visible to attendees upon entry.

- If you have to wait your turn in the meeting lobby, you may see a screen notifying you that someone will let you in soon.
Within the meeting, you will see the meeting controls in the top-right corner or bottom-middle depending on how you joined.
If they disappear, move your mouse to access them again. When your audio and video are off, the icon has a line through it.

Join using Teams app on your Phone or Tablet
- Download the app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store.
- Click the Teams meeting link for the desired session on your device.
- Select Join as a guest. (Teams may prompt you to sign in. Keep in mind, if you are a new or returning student, you will not be able to sign in to Teams using your Columbus State email address until the semester begins.)
- Type your name and click Join Meeting.
- Choose whether to start with Video and Mic On or Off (you can toggle this later).
- If you have to wait your turn in the meeting lobby, you may see a screen notifying you that someone will let you in soon.
Within the meeting, you will see the meeting controls. If they disappear, click your screen to access them again.