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Access email in a browser using the Outlook Web App
Uninstall Microsoft 365 via scrub tool to address persistent issues
Active Columbus State students and employees have access to Microsoft 365 for free on personal devices. This grants access to popular applications, like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint even when you are offline.
Gain essential skills is Microsoft 365 apps, including Microsoft Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word
Getting a 404 error when trying to open Microsoft Office files in the Edge browser
How to set up your own Bookings site to allow other to schedule appointments with you
Use Planner to create, assign and organize work visually
How to get started using OneNote for digital notetaking
How to check/clean up accounts for Office and Windows and correct licensing issues
Access Microsoft software for courses: Windows, Windows Server, Visual Studio, etc
How to check for updates in Microsoft Teams
Set up reminder emails for appointments that include Additional Information
How to install individually licensed Microsoft programs
Take pictures of a document with your phone, Lens will clean them up and allow you to save and submit the document