Other Microsoft Software through Azure (formerly ELMS)

What is Microsoft Azure?

Azure (formerly elms.cscc.edu) gives students access to Microsoft software when needed for courses.

It has software such as:

  • Windows
  • Windows Server
  • Visual Studio
  • and more

Azure does not include Microsoft 365 (Word, Excel, Outlook). For information on those, see related article Install Microsoft 365.

Access Microsoft Azure

  1. Go to the Azure Portal: http://azureforeducation.microsoft.com/devtools
  2. Click Sign in, then log in with your Columbus State Email address and Password
  3. Click on the Software tab to view available software
    Note: the software you can see/download will depend on your course enrollment
    Azure with an arrow pointing to "Software" on the left and the search box on the right
  4. Look for the software in the list, or use the Search box to search for the software you want
  5. When you find the correct software, click on the name and a panel will appear to the right
    arrows pointing to "view Key" button and Download button below it.
  6. Click Download to download the installer
  7. While you are waiting for it to download, if there is a View Key button, click that to geth the Product Key you will use when installing the software
  8. When the installer downloads, run the installer and follow the prompts
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Article ID: 17
Wed 9/18/19 9:31 AM
Mon 9/11/23 10:24 AM

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