Teaching a HyFlex class


Follow the steps in this checklist to successfully teach your HyFlex class. A HyFlex class can have both in-person and remote participants simultaneously.


What is this guide?

Review the information below to ensure that your first time teaching in a HyFlex (hybrid-flexible) classroom goes smoothly. A HyFlex classroom allows in-person and remote attendees at the same time. You can use any video conferencing platform in these rooms, but this article will reference Zoom, which is recommended for faculty teaching HyFlex. 

If you are teaching a traditional in-person course in a HyFlex room, review the related resources here instead: Teaching an in-person class in a HyFlex classroom.

Getting started with HyFlex

 If you have not completed it already, we highly recommend you sign up for the hands-on HyFlex faculty training. HyFlex classrooms have upgraded technology in them and have unique pedagogical considerations. 

  • HYFLEX CLASSROOM OVERVIEW — Read this article and watch a brief video about the HyFlex teaching experience: 
  • ONE-ON-ONE TRAINING — Sign up for an individualized, hands-on training session using the link below.
    This training will occur in CT 106 (Center for Teaching & Learning) on the Columbus Campus, unless an alternate location is requested and available.
  • STUDENT EXPECTATIONS — It may be helpful to share this article link with your class or use it as the basis for discussion on class expectations (even if you only have remote students, this could still apply): 
  • IN-ROOM TECHNICAL SUPPORT — If you need urgent assistance in the HyFlex classroom, call the IT Classroom Support team at 614-287-4357 (HELP).

Guide to teaching a HyFlex class

Already trained? Click on a topic below for reminders about teaching your HyFlex class. 
Note: If you have not do so already, we highly encourage you to complete the recommended hands-on training before your first class session.

You can also download a PDF checklist here: HyFlex Class checklist for Faculty

Training and Support

A variety of resources are available to provide guidance, training, and support for our HyFlex classrooms:

Urgent HyFlex classroom support Contact ATS, our classroom support team, at 614-287-4357 (HELP) to reach a technician
Non-urgent IT requests Reach out to the IT Support Center at 614-287-5050 or check out cscc.edu/ithelp for more information
Access online resources for HyFlex Review these articles: HyFlex classrooms help
Questions / schedule HyFlex training Reach out to Michelle Guendelsberger in IT and Jason LaMar in DEIS for more information
Help with Zoom, Blackboard, and other tools (for faculty) Sign up for individualized, one-on-one live virtual sessions by going to DEIS Bookings
Or check out on-demand instructional videos and tutorial documents on DEIS Beyond Classrooms
Training on Teams or other video conferencing tools Email it-training@cscc.edu for more information, or review our resources here: Video conferencing tools



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