One Device: Kit Setup

What is a One Device kit?

A One Device equipment kit contains all the equipment needed for employees to work from home and in the office. To learn more about requesting a One Device or picking up equipment, see the article IT Smart Lockers: Equipment Pickup.

When picking up a laptop from campus, be sure to log in to the laptop before leaving campus, following these instructions: Important Laptop Information. If you fail to do so, you will be unable to log in to your laptop at home.

Equipment kit

In your One Device equipment kit, you will be given the following equipment:

laptop, monitor(s), usb headset, docking station (dock), usb keyboard, and wireless mouse

Set up your workspace

The laptop can be used as you move between your office to home workspace. The rest of the equipment can be set up at whichever location you would prefer.


Connect the dock

The ThinkPad docks can be used to connect monitors and other peripherals to your laptop with just one cable.

ports on the back of ThinkPad dock with ports labled: laptop, power, display port, HDMI, ethernet/network, and USB

Turn on the dock

Once everything is connected, press the button on top on the dock to turn it on.

ThinkPad dock with cords pugged in and an arrow pointing to the power button

Accessing College resources

When you are working off-campus, connect to the Columbus State virtual private network (VPN) for the best remote work experience. The VPN will give you access to resources that are normally only available on-campus. These resources include network drives, campus printers, and select websites. It also helps IT manage updates and technical support for your device. 

To connect to the VPN, use Cisco AnyConnect to sign in. Then verify your account for multi-factor authentication (MFA) with your Duo enrolled mobile device. For detailed instructions, review this related resource: How to Connect to CSCC VPN 

IT Help

Click on IT Help Home in the top menu at any time to view IT Support hours and contact information.
To learn more about using the IT Help Homepage, see the article on Remote and In-Person Support.

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