Network Drives: Online Storage Website


How to access network drives in your browser by going to (formerly


Accessing the Storage Website

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your username and password
    login page for the storage website
  3. You will then see your network folders on the left (these will differ depending if you are an employee or student)
    • Employee Home is the S: drive
    • Student Home is the B: drive
    • Department Share is the V: drive

storage website with the drive options highlighted on the left side of the screen

Using the Storage Website 

For more details on navigating the file storage website, click the below topics:

 Need IT Help?

Click on IT Help Home in the top menu at any time to view IT Support hours and contact information.
To learn more about using the IT Help Homepage, see the article on Remote and In-Person Support.



Article ID: 28
Wed 9/18/19 1:50 PM
Mon 4/15/24 8:10 AM

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