Start Strong: Get to know your online resources

Resources for students

Starting a new semester can be intimidating whether you’re a new, current, or returning student.

IT and Student Central have compiled a list of helpful resources and short tutorial videos to help you have a strong, successful start to the semester!

3 Tips for a Successful Start (Video)

In this video, we will discuss 3 helpful tips for getting started. We will take a quick look at Blackboard, email, and online resources. We will also briefly discuss services provided by IT and Student Central. (Video duration: 4 minutes)

Resource Sheet 

Download this electronic resource sheet to your device for easy access to helpful links.

Need help? Contact us

Student Central

Student Central provides assistance with registration, Financial Aid, and using online student tools such as Self-Service. They have created short tutorial videos on how to utilize these tools on the Virtual College Resources page. If you need additional support, contact Student Central at

Information Technology

Information Technology (IT) provides technology resources and support for the campus community. If you need assistance with email, Blackboard, WiFi, or other campus technology, contact the IT Support Center at 614-287-5050. 

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