What is Kaltura Media?
The Kaltura Media tool is a video platform that lets you upload original videos to submit in Blackboard. You can attach the videos to Assignment submissions, share the videos through Discussion Boards, Blogs, Journals, and even submit videos for Exams. (Learn more in the, "How to share videos" section below.)
How do I access Kaltura Media?
You may access Kaltura Media in Blackboard by clicking on Tools on the left, then My Media.

How do I use Kaltura Media?
Note: to learn how to create / capture videos, see Using Kaltura Capture
Click on a topic below to learn more:
How to upload videos
Kaltura Media accepts multiple media formats, including: AVI, MOV, MKV, MP4, OGV, OGG, and WMV
Click on the My Media tab at the top of the Blackboard Learn site
Click on the Add New button

Select Media Upload

Drag and drop your video file or click Choose a file to upload to select the video file from the File Upload prompt

While the video is uploading, scroll down to complete the details about your video:
Name: We recommend using something descriptive - including your course or term might be useful
Description: this is optional - enter any description you like
Tags: we strongly encourage you to at least enter your course (example “engl-1100”) and any other tags which help describe the video (“draft” or “project4”)

Click Save to keep your video details

Once the video has finished uploading, scroll down and click Go to My Media to view all your video files

How to share videos
There are many ways to share these videos in Blackboard. The most common ways are to attach a video to an Assignments or add a video to your Discussion Board post. Regardless of how you submit your video, you will use the same Content Editor and follow these steps:
Create a New Submission on a Discussion Board, Blog, Assignment, Exam, etc
For Assignments, click the Write Submission button for the Content Editor to appear

Click on the plus button on the Content Editor

If you only see one row of buttons on the Editor, as shown below, click the ellipsis button at the far right of the Editor to show the full list

Select Kaltura Media

A pop-up window will display listing all of the videos in My Media

Locate the video you wish to share
Click the Select button beside the right video

The video is now part of your Submission as shown below

Repeat Step 2 through Step 7 if you have more than one video
Continue to create your Submission like you normally would
How to manage your media
You can manage your video files in the My Media tab at the top of the Blackboard Learn site

Search or Filter to find a specific video or group of videos
Edit or Delete a specific video
Information about your video, including:
Title (example: “Project 3”)
Description (example: “This is my draft submission for Project 3”)
Published: shared with a class
Private: not shared with anyone
Tags (example: “engl-1100 project3 draft”)
Your Role (example: Owner or Collaborator)
Uploaded Date (example: March 20th, 2020)
Faculty may also want to refer to instructor resources available from DEIS. See the Kaltura section of their knowledge base for more.