Voicemail web inbox:
Access your voicemail web inbox at:
Note: This website only works from on campus, using VPN Remote Access, or in a virtual machine.
Security warning
If you receive a security warning, you can fix it as follows:
- Chrome:
- click Advanced, then Proceed to (unsafe)
- Firefox:
- click Advanced, then Accept the Risk and continue
- Edge:
- click More information, then Go on to the webpage (not recommended)
In your voicemail web inbox, you can select a message and click the Play button to listen to it - you will see a bar moving across the screen to show the progress.
- Note the Play button now has a Pause symbol on it. You can pause the playback, and click in the green area to restart the recording, but you cannot rewind or fast forward.
- With a message selected, you will also see options to Forward, Mark Unread, or Delete the message.