Blackboard Course Help


Contact your instructor for assistance with course content in Blackboard like understanding material, resetting assignments and tests, due dates, etc. Contact IT for technical help.


Get help with course content

Contact your instructor for assistance with understanding material, submitting assignments and tests, resetting assignments or tests, accessing content, and due dates.

  • Email your instructor through your course in Blackboard
  • or Look-up your instructor's name in the College Directory

Look into Tutoring. There are many tutoring options available for students. Check out Tutoring for more information.

Get Technical Help

Self-help / Knowledge base

Search the Blackboard category in the knowledge base to see if you can find answers there.

Contact IT help

If you are a student and need technical help, contact IT. This includes assistance with:

  • Blackboard email
  • Username / passwords
  • Browser issues
  • Computer issues

Click on IT Help Home in the top menu at any time to view IT Support hours and contact information.
To learn more about using the IT Help Homepage, see the article on Remote and In-Person Support.




Article ID: 635
Thu 10/7/21 9:31 AM
Wed 5/15/24 2:29 PM
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