(Windows, Mac, or Chromebook)
1. Install Adobe Acrobat Reader:
2. Open your PDF in Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Save the fillable PDF document on your computer.
- Go to where you saved the file. Right click on the file and select Open With… then Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- If prompted: Log in to Acrobat Reader with your Adobe ID.
- If you don't already have one, you can select Enterprise login and log in with your CSCC email address and password.
3. Fill and sign the PDF
- Select Fill & Sign and fill in the blanks.

- Sign the document.
To create a signature:
- Click on the pen at the top, click Add Signature,. Create your signature then click Apply.
- Your signature will appear in the document. Move it to the signature location and click to place.
To reuse a signature:
- The next time you click on the pen, your signature will appear for you to reuse.
4. Share your document via email
- When the form is complete, save the document. (Use Save As to give it a new name and preserve the original, unfilled document.)
- Once the filled PDF is saved, you can email it as an attachment. See the article Add Attachment to an Email in Outlook for details.