Technical Requirements
To participate in a web or blended course, you will need access to a computer and the internet, as well as some basic computer knowledge.
Please review the information on the CSCC Technical Requirements page for more details about purchasing and/or using your own device to access coursework.
Recommended Software
This is the recommended software for all students:
Recommended Browsers
You can use the browser of your choice, but we do not recommend Internet Explorer. Firefox and Chrome work the best with our current version of Blackboard Learn. We recommend having two options downloaded and available at all times, and if you have any issues with a certain page, try a different browser.
Plug-ins Needed
To verify that your browser has all required plug-ins, use Blackboard’s browser checker.
Depending on your results, the following technologies might help you view certain content within Blackboard Learn.
Course-Dependent Software
Some academic departments will require that you purchase additional software or access it using a Virtual Desktop. Be sure to check your course syllabus and discuss technology needs with your instructor as early in the class as possible.
- Microsoft Azure gives you access to other Microsoft software (Windows, Windows Server, Visual Studio) if you are enrolled in certain courses.
- Autodesk AutoCAD is computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting software often used by students who are taking courses in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction.
Other Resources
For additional technology training and resources, check out the site below:
- GCF Learn Free - Free technology training from the Goodwill Community Foundation that includes computer basics