MH Kitchen: A/V Guide

To get started, touch the Start button in the middle of the panel.

image of start button from MH 314

PC display controls

When you start, this is the first screen you will see and the meaning of each of the controls:
Main screen on the control panel in MH 314

Camera controls

Camera controls screen


Hold any of the numbered buttons to customize the zoom, focus, pan and tilt of the cameras. You can then short press that particular button and it will load those custom settings.


The plus and minus buttons will either zoom the picture in or out.


“Up” & “Down” will tilt the camera images up/down. “Left” and “Right” will pan the camera images either to the left or right.



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Article ID: 96
Wed 12/4/19 1:03 PM
Wed 9/20/23 12:22 PM