Find my Course Information

What information can I find?

Follow the instructions below to find any of the following course information:

  • Course Name, Section, and Synonym Number
  • Course Title
  • Instruction Method
  • Days offered
  • Meeting Time
  • Start and End date
  • Credit Hours
  • Building and Room number
  • Location (which campus)
  • Seats available
  • Faculty name

How do I find my Course Schedule and Description?

  1. Go to the CSCC homepage and click on the menu for Academics, then Course Schedule and Descriptions.
    cscc homepage with an arrow pointing to the Academics menu and "Course Schedule and Descriptions" highlighted in the list below Academics Home
  2. Click on the appropriate semester.  
  3. From the drop down list, select All Subjects then click Go.
    subject drop down is open and "all subjects" is selected
  4. After subjects has been displayed, on the keyboard hit Ctrl + F (find), type the information you know (instructor last name, course title, or location) to find the information you are looking for. See below for an example:
    list of courses, titles, schedule, credit hours, location, and instructor
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