How to find Course Title, Meeting Time, Location, or Instructor information
What information can I find?
Follow the instructions below to find any of the following course information:
- Course Name, Section, and Synonym Number
- Course Title
- Instruction Method
- Days offered
- Meeting Time
- Start and End date
- Credit Hours
- Building and Room number
- Location (which campus)
- Seats available
- Faculty name
How do I find my Course Schedule and Description?
- Go to the CSCC homepage and click on the menu for Academics, then Course Schedule and Descriptions.

- Click on the appropriate semester.
- From the drop down list, select All Subjects then click Go.

- After subjects has been displayed, on the keyboard hit Ctrl + F (find), type the information you know (instructor last name, course title, or location) to find the information you are looking for. See below for an example: