Answer: As a student, you can be dropped from their classes for a number of reasons. The two most common are:
- Non-payment
- Non-attendance
Read more about non-payment and non-attendance drop policy below. If you have questions, please contact your instructor.
Note: when a student is re-enrolled in a class, they will be able to access the course in Blackboard after 8:00 AM the following day.
There is one Fee Payment Deadline date and one Drop for Non-Payment Deadline date each semester. You may view the deadlines on the semester calendar. Students who have not paid all fees by the Fee Payment Deadline are subject to having their entire schedule dropped for Non-Payment of Fees.
You are dropped for non-payment if a balance remains on your account (even if the balance is only one penny) after the fee payment deadline. During the first week of the term, you will need the instructor's permission to re-register for the class. More information on the BORIPF Process can be found here: Blackboard Request and Permission Form
During the semester, instructors are required to report
Participation Verification to verify that students who receive financial aid are participating in and attending classes.
The instructor electronically completes and submits the participation and attendance record for each student who receives federal financial aid. The de-registration is processed according to the last date of participation and attendance submitted by the instructor. An e-mail communication is sent to each student's CSCC student e-mail account who has been dropped for non-participation/non-attendance.
If you think you have been dropped in error, you must speak to your instructor. If indeed an error has occurred, you will need the instructor's permission via a Blackboard Request and Permission Form (BORIPF) to be reinstated to the class. More information on the BORIPF Process can be found here:
Blackboard Request and Permission Form