Search65 Results

Install Zoom on computer or phone - Log in using SSO:
Directions to share your screen with others in Zoom
If issues occur with Zoom, updating is often the fix
How to use Outlook to reserve a conference room
Clear cache and cookies in Chrome on iOS device
How to access meeting recordings that are saved to OneDrive or Sharepoint
How to read an encrypted message from a Columbus State email address
How to respond to meeting invites and find the meeting link again later
Windows computers are available in most smart classrooms
Network error – "Windows has detected an IP address conflict"
Join a Teams meeting from any device - using Columbus State login
Access Microsoft software for courses: Windows, Windows Server, Visual Studio, etc
Use the provided VGA or HDMI cables to connect your own device to the room's projector
What to do if you are having trouble getting the DVD/VCR to display on the projector screen