Security: Lock or Sign Out of the Computer?


Lock / sign out to protect your account, data, and settings


Don't leave your account vulnerable

Leaving your computer logged in when you walk away leaves your files and settings vulnerable.

If you walk away from a computer, always protect your account, files, and settings by either locking it or signing out.


What's the difference between locking and signing out?

The main difference is that locking keeps the applications you were working in open, and signing out closes everything.

At Columbus State, signing out is the only way to allow the next user to log in without force-rebooting the computer. Columbus State computers are set to sign out after 30 minutes of inactivity.



What if I forgot to log out?

Columbus State computers are set to automatically log out after 30 minutes of inactivity to protect your account.



Article ID: 845
Tue 12/10/24 10:23 AM
Fri 1/3/25 11:49 AM