Now you can add questions. There are 8 different question formats you can choose. You can also add multiple pages to the form by using the buttons at the top of the page. The form automatically saves your work. When you have added all the questions needed, select ‘Back to Forms’ on the upper left of the screen. To check your work and preview what your audience’s experience will be, you can submit a practice form.
On this page is where you can begin to add questions. You can change details about the for m itself under Form Properties. You can change the details about each individual page on Page Properties. You can add additional pages as needed. You can also look at your Page List.
You can add 8 different types of questions. It's possible to embed videos into the question text as well. You will need to post the video on Youtube or Vimeo and then copy the link into the question text.

Question Type |
Function |
Check Box List
Multiple choice question that allows users to choose more than one option.
Radio Button List
Multiple choice question that only allows users to select one option.
Text Field
Open text response. Alter the number of rows to provide the user a larger space to write in for longer answers. You can also use the Text Field question to utilize validation, ensuring a specific format is entered.
Drop Down List
Multiple choice question where users can only choose one option. The only difference between the dropdown and radio button options is that the user has to click the dropdown to view the available choices.
This is your method of providing additional instructions or information to the user. Instructions do not require any action on the part of the user.
Single Check Box
Think of this as a method to provide the user a set of terms and conditions that they need to agree to before they can proceed on the form. You can input the terms that need to be agreed upon and the user will be provided a single check box to confirm their agreement.
Provide the user multiple answer choices for them to rank. You can also determine the maximum number of items they need to rank.
File Upload
Allow the user to upload a file from their computer. Files must be under 4 MB and the uploader accepts most file types. If you prefer a specific file type, make sure to indicate this within the instructions of the question.
Learn more details about building forms from CampusLab's support page: Creating a Form