How to update Organization page
Sign in
Before you start, be sure to Sign in to CougarConnect using the link in the upper-right.

Manage 'About'
- Select the Manage Organization button. Note: if you don't see this button, you don't have access to manage any organizations.

- Select the button that looks like 3 horizontal lines and an arrow symbol, found in the upper left corner. This is button will open your Organization Tool Drawer.
- Next, click the gear icon next to your organization.
- Then select About.
Manage Organization Details
On the Organization Details page, you can edit your organization’s basic details, such as the profile photo, description, and summary for the organization. If your area has a page on the website or if you use social media, don’t forget to add that information here.

Embed video
You can embed videos into the organization description. The video will appear on your page as a mini-player and your visitors can play the video without leaving your page.
To do this, you will need to have uploaded a video to either Vimeo or Youtube.
- Then, copy the shareable link from Vimeo or YouTube and paste it into the Full Description section of the page wherever you want the miniplayer to be housed.
- When pasting the link, make sure to select the insert link icon
- URL: past the link to the video in this field.
- Text to display: whatever text you want to show as alt text.
- Title: you can leave blank.
- Target: should be set to None.

Save your work
When you have made all of the changes that you need, make sure to navigate to the bottom of the page to select the Update button. A little green box will pop up on the top of the page that serves as a confirmation that the information has been updated.
If you want to check out the edits you just made, select the 3 lines and the arrow button again to open your organization tool drawer. Then hover over the name of your organization to the left of the gear icon and select the name of your organization. This will take you back to the Explore view.