How to add and organize documents
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Before you start, be sure to Sign in to CougarConnect using the link in the upper-right.

Manage Documents
- Select the Manage Organization button. Note: if you don't see this button, you don't have access to manage any organizations.

- Select the button that looks like 3 horizontal lines and an arrow symbol, found in the upper left corner. This is button will open your Organization Tool Drawer.
- Next, click the gear icon next to your organization.
- Then select Documents.
- Click the blue Add File button, or Add Folder for organizing files.

Add Folder
When you add a Folder, the system will ask for a title and for you to choose the visibility. The visibility options are: Public, Institution (logged in CSCC members), Organization (Page Members), and Private (Specific People)
Add Files
When you select Add a File, the system will ask you to choose the file. Then you can add a title, select if the document is a particular type (most documents fall under the default type) and then the permissions (this is also known as the visibility). Select the blue Add button when you are done.
Manage Files
Select the three dots next to a document or folder to open a menu that allows you to:
- Share a document or folder. This will give you a link that you can copy and send to others.
- Move a document into a folder or merge folders together.
- Rename the document or folder.
- Change the type or permissions.
- Delete the document or folder.
To download a document, select the blue arrow facing down in the square