How to create and add content to a gallery
Sign in
Before you start, be sure to Sign in to CougarConnect using the link in the upper-right.

Manage Gallery
- Select the Manage Organization button. Note: if you don't see this button, you don't have access to manage any organizations.

- Select the button that looks like 3 horizontal lines and an arrow symbol, found in the upper left corner. This is button will open your Organization Tool Drawer.
- Next, click the gear icon next to your organization.
- Then select Gallery.
- Click the blue Create Album button.

Create Album
- Fill in an Album Name and Description.
- There are 4 visibility options: Public, Institution (logged in CSCC members), Organization (Page Members), and Private (Specific People)
Ensure that you have your members ’ permission before posting any photos to your page. An easy way to do this is to have your members RSVP to an event on CougarConnect and create a pre-registration question that asks them to agree to a photo release statement. For more info on how to create an event and add a pre-registration question, please see the CougarConnect how to guides about events.
- Then click the blue Create Album button.
Add photos
Once the album is created, the system will show a list of albums available to edit.
Select the name of the album you would like to edit and then select Edit Album

On this page, you can select photos to add or add videos. We recommend adding photos as png or jpeg files.
When you’ve added a photo, select the 3 dots () on the bottom right corner of the photo and then select Edit to make this photo the cover photo for your album, or to have it be featured on your homepage for your audience to see.

Add videos
To add videos to the Gallery, the video should be posted to YouTube or Vimeo first. Once posted to one of these sites, you can grab the link to the video and paste it into the album you’re creating on CougarConnect. You will also need a title and description for the video.
Sample album
Here is an example of a completed photo album: