How to create news articles
Sign in
Before you start, be sure to Sign in to CougarConnect using the link in the upper-right.
Manage News
- Select the Manage Organization button. Note: if you don't see this button, you don't have access to manage any organizations.
- Select the button that looks like 3 horizontal lines and an arrow symbol, found in the upper left corner. This is button will open your Organization Tool Drawer.
- Next, click the gear icon next to your organization.
- Then select News.
- This will take you to your Manage News page. Click the blue Create Article button.
Create News Article
- Complete all required fields including the Title, Summary, and Body.
- Note: The Summary is important because this is what will show up on the home page of CougarConnect and it will give your audience a brief idea of what info is in the article.
- There are 4 visibility options: Public, Institution (logged in CSCC members), Organization (Page Members), and Private (Specific People).
- Don’t forget to add a photo to your news post and include a text caption so that everyone in your audience can interact with the content.
- If you want an email sent out that alerts your members that there is a news post, simply select the box that notifies all members. This will send a message to everyone you have made the news post visible to.
- Please note: if you chose ‘Public’ or ‘Institution’ all Columbus State students and employees will be able to see the news post and will receive an email alert if you elected to have a notification sent. The best practice is to only occasionally send campus wide email notifications, so as to keep students informed, but not to overwhelm them with information.