What are video layouts?
While attending a Zoom meeting, you have many options for how you view the video feeds of the participants. This is an overview of the most common layouts and how to select one.
How to change your view when no one is screen sharing
Layout choices: Gallery or Speaker:
- Click View in the top right corner
- Select Gallery or Speaker

More about Speaker view
The default view in Zoom is the active speaker view. With 3 or more participants, it shows whoever is speaking in the main Zoom window and the rest of the participants in smaller videos at the top of the screen.
More about Gallery view
To view all meeting participants equally, you have to switch to gallery view. This shows video feeds for up to 49 participants, including the active speaker, in the main Zoom window. Additional pages of videos can be seen by clicking the right or left arrows in the gallery.

How to change your view when someone is screen sharing
Layout choices: Standard, Side-by-side: Speaker, or Side-by-side: Gallery
- Click View in the top right corner
- Select Standard, Side-by-side: Speaker, or Side-by-side: Gallery

More about Standard view
The d
efault view when someone else is screen sharing is Standard. It shows the shared content in the main Zoom window and participant videos at the top.

More about Side-by-side: Speaker view
In this view, shared content is in the main Zoom window and the video of the active speaker is on the side.
Note: When on side-by-side mode, you can adjust the ratio of shared screen window to participant panel by dragging the dividing line between the two windows to the left or right.

More about Side-by-side: Gallery view
In this view, shared content is in the main Zoom window and the gallery of videos is on the side.
Note: When on side-by-side mode, you can adjust the ratio of shared screen window to participant panel by dragging the dividing line between the two windows to the left or right.

Other view options
- Switch any chosen layout to full screen by double-clicking your Zoom window (or choose Full screen in the View menu). Press the Escape key or double-click to exit full screen mode.
Minimized Zoom window
- If you minimize your Zoom window to access other programs on your computer, your Zoom meeting will show in a small box, which can be moved around on your screen. This is called the floating thumbnail view.
- Click the Exit minimized video icon to return your Zoom window to the normal size.

Need more information?
To learn more, check out Zoom’s resources here: