Participant controls:

Join Audio or Unmute / Mute : If you see Join Audio, click it and allow your device to connect to internet audio. If you see a microphone icon, use it to mute and unmute yourself.
- For Audio Controls, click the ^ arrow next to Mute / Unmute. This allows you to change the microphone and speaker that Zoom is currently using on your computer, leave computer audio, and access the full audio settings.
Tip: Use the following keyboard shortcuts to mute or unmute yourself. You can also use push to talk if you want to temporarily unmute yourself while holding the spacebar.
- Windows: Alt + A
- Mac: Shift + Command + A
Start Video / Stop Video: Turns your camera on or off.
- For Video Controls, click the ^ arrow next to Start Video / Stop Video. This allows you to change cameras if you have multiple cameras, select a virtual background (if enabled), or access your full video settings.
Participants: See who's currently in the meeting and invite others. You can also access to these options:
- Rename: Hover over your name, click More, and choose Rename to change your screen name displayed to other participants.
Chat: Access the chat window to chat with other participants.
Share Screen : Start a screen share (if the host allows). You will be able to select the desktop or application you want to share.
Record : Start or stop a local recording. Participants do not have access to start a cloud recording.
Note: The host will need to allow local recordings in their account settings, then give you permission to record. If you don't have permission to record, use the in-meeting chat or audio to ask the host for permission.
Breakout Rooms: Join a breakout room.
Reactions : Meeting reactions, nonverbal feedback, and raise hand allow you to communicate issues or feedback to the host or presenter without disrupting the meeting. These reactions are shown on your video panel and next to your name on the participants panel.
Leave: Leave the meeting while it continues for the other participants. Only the host can end the meeting.