How to access your Bookings report
You can now see a report with up to four months of your bookings in a TSV file. You can run the report multiple times to see different time periods within the last year.
This appointment level information can be used to visualize the customer activity around your Bookings calendar. TSV files are tab separated value files. You can view or edit a file like this with any text editor or spreadsheet program, such as Excel.
Export TSV file from Bookings
To get the report information out of Bookings, you first need to export a tsv file from Bookings:
- Go to Log in to the web app using your Columbus State email address and password and open the appropriate calendar if needed.

- Click Export data in a TSV file.

- Select your desired date range and click Export.
By default, the TSV file will save to the Downloads folder on your device.

Import TSV file into Excel
Read the instructions for your computer's operating system below to learn how to import the TSV file you exported above into Excel.
- To view the file, open Microsoft Excel.
- Click Open > On My Mac then select your Downloads folder, the Bookings file: BookingsReportingData.tsv, and click Open.

- If the Text Import Wizard appears, click Next> Next> Finish. Following these prompts will help Excel divide your data into columns.

- Your file will then open up in Excel. Before editing, save the file in the location of your choice with a new name and specify an .xls or .xlsx file type (Excel workbook) so it opens normally next time.