Forward CSCC Email to a Personal Account


Turn on email forwarding to receive Columbus State emails to your personal account


Enable forwarding

To have your CSCC email forwarded to another email address, follow these steps:

  1. Sign into your Columbus State Email 
  2. Go to the Settings  in the upper right corner
    Settings gear icon selected with an arrow to "View all Outlook settings"
  3. In the Settings menu, click View all Outlook Settings
  4. Then select Forwarding
    Arrow to "Forwarding" menu with "Enable forwarding" checkbox selected and a box for the email address
  5. Check Enable forwarding and enter the email address where you would like to forward your Columbus State emails.
    It is recommended to select "keep a copy of forwarded messages", which will keep the emails in this account and send a copy to your selected account.
  6. Then click the Save button


Stop Forwarding

Your Columbus State Email will continue to forward to your personal account, even after you stop taking classes, until you Stop Forwarding.

  1. In Student Email, go back to the Forwarding options
  2. Select Stop Forwarding, then Save these changes.


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Article ID: 553
Thu 4/29/21 10:10 AM
Mon 8/14/23 9:54 AM
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