What if my course requires an access code?


A brief overview of publisher access codes and who to contact if you need help.


What are Access codes?

Many courses at Columbus State require (or recommend) that students purchase a textbook access code which allows you to interact with additional course content on the publisher's website. The process varies for each textbook, making the publisher the best contact if you need help using the code or navigating the related online resources.

If you are provided temporary (free) access to the materials to start the semester, make sure to purchase your own access code in a timely manner to ensure continued access for the entire length of your course. Typically the temporary access lasts 2-3 weeks.

Support information for commonly used publishers can be found here: Third party information

Columbus State also offers some Instant Access Courses that use digital course materials or e-books. Students are provided direct access to the content from the Blackboard classroom. The cost of these materials are included in your tuition and fees statement. Check out the Bookstore's Affordability page for more information about Instant Access.

Frequently Asked Questions

Need more help? 

  • If you have questions about purchasing books and/or access codes for your specific course, we recommend you reach out directly to the Columbus State Bookstore
  • Foe more information about Instant Access courses, check out the Bookstore's Affordability page.
  • For assistance with using the access code and/or the related website, we recommend you access the publisher's support resources. Here is a list of third party vendors and their support information for your convenience: Third party information



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