Schedule booking
When you schedule an appointment through Bookings, you will see a page similar to the one below.
To book an appointment:
- Select service - there may be multiple services offered, read the descriptions and select the one that suits your needs.
- Select date & time - first choose a date on the calendar, then select the available time slot that works for you.
- Add your details - enter your information here so they know who you are and can be better prepared for you meeting.
- Check the box to get booking confirmation and reminder text messages (optional) then click Book at the bottom to book the appointment.
![Example booking page with items 1-4 from above labeled](
Confirm / manage booking
Once booked, you will receive an email confirmation that includes:
- The date and time of your appointment.
- Join Teams Meeting link to open the appointment in Teams when the time comes if it's a virtual meeting.
Or location information if it's in-person.
![example booking confirmation](
- There will also be additional information below this with helpful tips about your meeting.
- And a Manage booking button at the bottom in case something comes up and you need to reschedule.