Official Transcript: Submit to Columbus State


How to submit an official transcript to Columbus State


Sending an official transcript
to Columbus State Community College

  • The transcript evaluators assess each transcript individually in the order the transcripts are received.  
  • Students receive an e-mail, sent to their CSCC student e-mail account after the evaluation is complete. 

The courses that are accepted here at CSCC are given "K" or "KD" credit and are assessed as to whether they may meet prerequisites for CSCC courses. "K" credit is given to courses with grades of "A" through "C" as well as "S"; "KD" credit is give to courses with a grade of D. 

Ways to send an official transcript to CSCC:

XML (electronic)  

If you attended a state (public) university or community college in Ohio, request that your transcript(s) be sent XML (electronically) when ordering from that institution.  All public Ohio colleges and universities can send/receive an XML transcript to/from each public Ohio institution's student information system.  

PDF (email)

If ordering a transcript online from another institution, select Columbus State Community College as the recipient.  In the absence of a list of colleges to select, have your institution send your official PDF transcript directly to  

  • We will not accept PDF transcripts sent from a student's personal or CSCC student e-mail account.

Hard copy (mail / in-person delivery)

  •  We will not accept faxed transcripts.

 A hard copy/paper transcript is considered official when received in the original, sealed envelope from the issuing institution on official paper and/or with an official institutional seal.


If your institution does not offer XML or PDF delivery, please have your official transcript(s) mailed to the address below by the issuing institution. NoteSending paper transcripts by mail or overnight delivery will delay processing time.

Columbus State Community College
ATTN: Office of the Registrar
550 East Spring Street
Columbus, OH 43215

In person

If delivering the transcript in person, please go to Student Central - Upper Level of Madison Hall. 

 Need Help?

Contact the Office of the Registrar by email at or by telephone at (614) 287-5353



Article ID: 40
Wed 9/25/19 9:04 AM
Thu 5/23/24 1:11 PM
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