Insight Tech Console: Install and Setup

  1. Locate and run the newest version of Insite TechConsole installer: \\cscc.local\software\apps\Faronics\Faronics_INS\Insight [Newest version*]\Installs\TechConsoleWindows explorer window showing the above path
  2. Click Next on the installer until you get to the Security Mode screen (see screenshot below)
  3. Check Enable a security mode
  4. Check Active Directory Secure Mode
  5. Click Next
    steps a-c from above
  1. Choose Don’t send problem reports to Faronics.
  2. Click Install, when it’s done installing, click Finish
  3. Open the newly installed Faronics Insight Tech Console
  4. Go to Manage > Preferences… (see screenshot on next page)
  1. Choose IP – Directed Broadcast / Connection Server
  2. Type in for Subnet 1
  3. Leave everything else at the defaults and click OK

image of the menus described above​​​​​​​

  1. The view defaults to small icons, but it takes a long time to load the preview for these icons, so it is recommended you change the View to Details:
    image of tech console updating
    The screen will then load faster and be sortable by column:
    image of list in detail view

Note: When you click the “X” to close the Tech Console window, it will minimize to the System Tray.

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Article ID: 97
Wed 12/4/19 1:41 PM
Thu 9/21/23 10:54 AM