Colleague: Start Menu Shortcut Not Working


Users who utilize the start menu shortcut to access Colleague are finding that it no longer loads properly for them, especially when authenticating with DUO.


This is because the shortcut is opening in Internet Explorer by default. It can be resolved by replacing the target location with another browser:

Part 1) grab the location of Edge.exe, Chrome.exe, or Firefox.exe.

  1. Right click the browser of choice in the start menu, and select more.
  2. Then, choose open file location.
  3. This will open the file location in the File Explorer. Right click on the exe and go into properties.
  4. Copy the entire Target.
    Google Chrome Properties window

Part 2) Follow steps 1-3 above to similarly enter the properties box of the Colleague start menu shortcut.

  1. Right click the Colleague start menu shortcut, and select more.
  2. Then, choose open file location.
  3. This will open the file location in the File Explorer. Right click on the exe and go into properties.


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Article ID: 672
Tue 4/5/22 1:00 PM
Thu 10/12/23 10:18 AM