Wi-Fi: Connect on Mac Computer

Connect to Wi-Fi
(Mac computers)

  1. Click the Wi-Fi icon  in the Menu Bar, then select CSCC.
    Wi-Fi menu open with an arrow pointing to CSCC wireless option
  2. Log in with your CSCC username and password.
  3. Verify the security certificate and click Continue.
    verify certificate pop-up window
  4. If prompted, enter your computer password to save the changes.
    pop-up window asking for you computer username and password to trust the certificate

You are now connected to CSCC secure wireless.

Troubleshooting / Forget network

If you have any issues connecting, or if you changed your CSCC password but the Wi-Fi connection is not prompting you to enter the new password, you may need to remove or forget the network first.

  1. Click the Apple menu on the top left of the screen, then select System Preferences...
  2. Select Network.
  3. Select Wi-Fi and then go to Advanced...
  4. Select the network you want to remove and click the minus sign underneath the Preferred Networks box.Screenshot of the 'Network' window with the 'Network Name' field and the minus sign highlighted.
  5. Now, try reconnecting to wifi by re-entering your username and password.


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